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HomeHeadlinesIt is our commitment to make Punjab polio free, Maryam Nawaz

It is our commitment to make Punjab polio free, Maryam Nawaz

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It is our commitment to make Punjab polio free, Maryam Nawaz

Photo: File

Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has said that it is our determination to make the province completely polio-free, she is personally monitoring the vaccination campaign.

A meeting was held in Lahore to review anti-polio measures under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz.

In the meeting, they agreed on joint effective efforts for the complete eradication of polio in Punjab.

During the meeting, measures to make the anti-polio campaign more effective were reviewed, while suggestions and recommendations were also reviewed to make Punjab completely polio-free.

During the meeting, it was agreed to ensure vaccination of children coming from other areas in Punjab, while full cooperation was assured by WHO and other organizations for the complete eradication of polio.

On this occasion, Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz said that it is our determination to make the province completely polio-free, and I am personally monitoring the vaccination campaign.

He said that no polio case has been reported in Punjab since October 2023, polio can be eradicated only through immediate emergency response.

Chief Minister Punjab said that he is paying full attention to providing the best health and treatment facilities. Safety and security of polio workers is also being ensured during the campaign.

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