A meeting with Hafiz Naeemur Rahman

A meeting with Hafiz Naeemur Rahman
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A meeting with Hafiz Naeemur Rahman

A worldly person like me, when he reaches a blessed place, a state of politeness falls on him and the atmosphere of the gathering casts a spiritual charm on him and he begins to feel at ease.

I would like to mention the main headquarters of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, Mansoora Lahore, where the atmosphere changes as soon as you enter, the situation becomes what I have mentioned. Mansoora houses the homes of most of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the path of Allah and became a source of forgiveness for their parents. The memories associated with Mansoora Lahore are the memories of the late and late honorable Safdar Chaudhry, whom I used to call uncle.

The late Safdar Chaudhry, the owner of dervish and poor character, was the Secretary of Information of Jamaat-e-Islami for a period of time. He was the father of Muzaffar Naeem Shaheed. Muzaffar Naeem achieved martyrdom in Kashmir. My first introduction to Jamaat-e-Islami was through Safdar Ankal. He was a man of elegant and dervish nature, who made it his life’s goal to cultivate the mission of Maulana Maududi and till the end of his life. He appeared to be doing real jihad.

At least one book can be written on the life of every one of them, be it Mian Tufail Muhammad, Malik Ghulam Ali or many others like them. Everyone was faithful to their mission and sacrificed their lives and that of their children.

Pakistan’s only organized political party in which office-bearers are elected by regular members’ votes. Heredity has nothing to do with it.

Syed Abulala Ali Maududi founded this Jamaat, his children could not be declared the heirs of this Jamaat, however, the workers of this Jamaat became its heirs and till today, the Amir Jamaat is elected by the will of the workers of this Jamaat, however, the central The Shura definitely suggests a few names to whom the members vote and choose the leadership of their choice, i.e. the leadership is not imposed on them but is chosen by their will.

A few days ago, the most dynamic information secretary of the party, brother Qaiser Sharif, reported that the newly elected Ameer of the party, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman, was meeting the columnists and invited me and Nachiz to this meeting. I promised to be present and thought that there would be an opportunity to know the views of the newly elected Amir Jamaat.

When I arrived, there was a gathering at Mansurah’s Darul Diyafa. Hosted by Qaiser Sharif, he was listening to the conversation of contemporary columnist Ameer Jamaat Hafiz Naeemur Rehman, due to arriving late I missed the first part of his conversation but what he was saying was that of a true Pakistani. It was a voice that was coming from the heart, he was talking about the common man, he warned the government about the wheat crisis and later he was also seen standing by the side of the farmers. He told in very clear words that Tehreek-e-Insaaf His victory was turned into defeat, he himself refused to accept his victory and clearly refused to deny the right of the one who was supposed to win.

Hafiz Naeemur Rahman is undoubtedly a dynamic leader of the Jamaat. He revived the political supremacy of the Jamaat in Karachi and convinced the people that Jamaat-e-Islami was their real representative party. Amir Jamaat spoke openly about the political future of Jamaat-e-Islami and answered the burning questions of columnists and editors with a smile and indicated that the Jamaat will do politics with issues in front.

He also reiterated his stand that there will be no change in the party’s stand on Kashmir and Palestine. He said that Islam is based on justice and all problems can be solved only through justice. Amir Jamaat said that in order to give dynamic and new dimension to the politics of Jamaat-e-Islami, they are going to start a demand movement and will put pressure on the government with public power. He said that Jamaat-e-Islami is a peaceful party and its aim is to follow the instructions and teachings of Maulana Maududi.

Therefore, the party will highlight the public issues through a peaceful political resistance and the people will be made to feel that their real representatives are the party representatives whose lives are according to the people and there is no Two are not practical because they are among them. It is a group of people who make it their mission to serve the people beyond their interests, a prime example of which is Al-Khidmat Foundation, under whose banner welfare summers are going on all over the world. At the end of the event, a gala dinner was also arranged, which the attendees called a clear indication of the party’s new leadership and its associated bright political future.

My father Hon’ble Abdul Qadir Hasan was greatly influenced by the teachings and ideas of Maulana Syed Abu Ala Maududi, the founder of the Jamaat.

That’s why I also inherited devotion to Maulana Syed Abu Ali Maududi and love for Jamaat-e-Islami. That’s why when I got the order of brother Qaiser Sharif, I obeyed this order without hesitation. Achieve political success under the leadership of Amir.

A meeting with Hafiz Naeemur Rahman