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HomePakistanWhich place has three different times for Suhoor and Iftar?

Which place has three different times for Suhoor and Iftar?

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Which place has three different times for Suhoor and Iftar?

As the holy month of Ramadan continues around the world, we tell you about a place where people break their fast and break their fast at three different times.

The holy month of Ramadan is now coming to an end. Muslims all over the world are trying to attain the pleasure and pleasure of Allah by keeping the obligatory fasts in this holy month.

Due to the change in time zone and sunrise and sunset times in different countries and cities of the world, there is a difference in the time of Suhr and Iftar, but today we are telling you about a place or a building that is established on the same land. But the people residing in it do Suhoor and Iftar at three different times.

This building is the tallest building in the world and Burj Khalifa in Dubai, where residents break their fast and break their fast at three different times.

Travel & Tourism Articles : - Burj Khalifa, A Tall Building In The United Arab Emirates

According to foreign media, 12,000 people living in Burj Khalifa break their fast and break their fast at different times due to the height of the tower. The time difference is caused by the difference in time between the residents of floors close to the ground and the residents of very high floors.

According to the instructions issued by Dubai’s Department of Islamic Affairs for residents of over 160 floors of the Burj Khalifa, residents from the 80th floor to the 150th floor finish Iftar 2 minutes late and Suhore 2 minutes early. .

Similarly, for the residents of the 150th floor and above, the call to Maghrib prayer is given 3 minutes late. Their Suhore time also ends 3 minutes early.


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